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Browser rendered terminal

·1254 words·6 mins·
Vegard S. Hagen
Vegard S. Hagen
Pondering post-physicists
Table of Contents

This is going to be a bit of a follow-up on an earlier article on Cloudflare SSH tunneling where we configured SSH-tunneling through Cloudflare’s WARP-client. In this article we’ll configure Cloudflare’s cloudlared-tunnel and a Zero Trust Application to expose a browser rendered terminal to our server.

Exposing a terminal openly on the web is usually not a great idea — maybe even less so through a browser, which is why we’ll add authentication before the usual protective measures for SSH-connections.

Setting up cloudflared

In the previous article we configured the tunnel through the Dashboard, or so called ClickOps. Personally I think ClickOps is fine when doing exploratory work, but for long-running processes a more declarative and reproducible approach is preferred.

First we need to create a credentials.json file for our tunnel. Assuming you’ve already created an origin certificate by logging in with

cloudflared tunnel login

you can create the credentials file for a new tunnel by running

cloudflared tunnel create <name>

which should create a tunnel credentials file in the same place as your origin certificate. The name of the file will be the same as the Tunnel ID.

Next we’ll write the configuration for our newly created tunnel, basing it on the official documentation.

# Name of tunnel
tunnel: <name>
# Path to the credentials file we just created
credentials-file: <path/to/credentials/file.json>
# Port to expose metrics on
# We're going to start this as a container, so there's no point in auto-updating the daemon inside the container
no-autoupdate: true
# Enable warp-routing to expose a private network
  enabled: true

  # A simple test service to verify that everything is working as intended
  - hostname: hello.<>
    service: hello_world
  # Domain-name to expose SSH-connection on and host machine IP
  - hostname: ssh.<>
    service: ssh://<host-ip>:22
  # Service for matching all other URLs
  - service: http_status:404

Since our cloudflared-tunnel is going to run inside a Kubernetes-cluster we need to supply the local IP of the host-machine we want to connect to. This will also work if we run the daemon directly on the machine.

To test our configuration we can run the tunnel natively (not inside a container) on the machine we want to browser access to.

cloudflared tunnel --config config.yaml run

If successful the tunnel should show up as Healthy in your Zero Trust Cloudflare dashboard under Access > Tunnels.

Cloudflared tunnel
A healthy cloudflared tunnel with the tunnel ID obfuscated (full size)

Copy the Tunnel ID as we need it for the next step.

DNS records and routing

Assuming your tunnel is healthy the next step is to route traffic through it. This can be done by adding a CNAME record to your DNS. From the Cloudflare Dashboard navigate to DNS > Records.

To test your tunnel add a record for the hello_world service. Select CNAME as Type, Name should match the hostname for the hello_world service in your tunnel configuration, and Target should be <tunnelID>

DNS record routing
DNS record routing to the cloudflared tunnel (full size)

After adding the DNS record a Route should be visible in the Zero Trust tunnels dashboard, and you should be able to navigate to your hello_world service at the name you entered as the DNS record.

Great! 🎉

Now that we know the test-service works we can add our SSH-service in the same way, i.e.

Type  Name  Target  

Zero Trust Application

Now that we have a test service up and running we can add a Zero Trust Application which will be our gateway to the browser rendered terminal.

In Zero Trust navigate to Access > Applications and click on + Add application to get started. We want a Self-hosted application which we are going to configure to be our browser rendered terminal.

Enter a descriptive Application name and reuse the same subdomain as in your cloudflared SSH-service and DNS record.

Scroll down to Identity providers and select the ones you want to use to authenticate with your Zero Trust Application. If you haven’t added any only One-time PIN will be available. Multiple authentication methods can be configured in Zero Trust under Settings > Authentication for easier login.2

Continue to the next screen to configure access policies. A simple allow policy with a default group should suffice. If you need a special group for this purpose you can create one under Access Groups. Make sure the account you’re trying to use your application with is part of the group, e.g. if you have set up GitHub as an identity provider the e-mail you use for GitHub should be part of an access group allowed to use the application.

On the next screen scroll down and locate the Additional settings card where you’ll find Browser rendering.

Additional settings
Additional application settings with SSH browser rendering (full size)

And that’s it!

You should now be able to access a browser rendered terminal for your server on the hostname you configured. After authenticating with your trusted provider with an allowed account you’ll be prompted to supply a local username followed by valid credentials.3

Terminal rendered SSH

A browser rendered terminal is fine and all, but I assume you’d also like to connect to your server using the same URL. By using cloudflared access you can do just this!

Start by installing cloudflared on your client machine and open ~/.ssh/config to add

Host <hostname>
    HostName ssh.<>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<private-key-file>
    ProxyCommand cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
    User <user>

filling in all the <angle-brackets> with your relevant details. You should now be able to run ssh <hostname> to securely connect to your server 🔐

If you’re met with a bad handshake error, e.g.

> ssh <hostname>
2023-09-24T11:18:16Z ERR failed to connect to origin error="websocket: bad handshake" originURL=
websocket: bad handshake

it means your client doesn’t trust the host certificate. This can be solved by enabling Cloudflare’s WARP Client which I’ve written about in Cloudflare SSH tunneling.

Tying it all together

Now that we have our proof of concept up and running the next step is getting it inside our cluster. A simple deployment for cloudflared looks like

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: cloudflared
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: cloudflared
  namespace: cloudflared
  replicas: 2
      app: cloudflared
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 0
        app: cloudflared
        - name: cloudflared
          image: cloudflare/cloudflared:2023.8.2
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - tunnel
            - --config
            - /etc/cloudflared/config/config.yaml
            - run
              path: /ready
              port: 2000
            initialDelaySeconds: 60
            failureThreshold: 5
            periodSeconds: 10
            - name: cloudflared-config
              mountPath: /etc/cloudflared/config/config.yaml
              subPath: config.yaml
            - name: tunnel-credentials
              mountPath: /etc/cloudflared/creds
              readOnly: true
      restartPolicy: Always
        - name: cloudflared-config
            name: cloudflared-config
        - name: tunnel-credentials
            secretName: tunnel-credentials

where you have to supply your tunnel credentials in a base64 encoded secret as

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tunnel-credentials
  namespace: cloudflared
type: Opaque
  credentials.json: <+++++++>

and configure it using a ConfigMap with your own hostname

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cloudflared-config
  namespace: cloudflared
  config.yaml: |-
    tunnel: ssh
    credentials-file: /etc/cloudflared/creds/credentials.json
    no-autoupdate: true
      enabled: true
      - hostname: ssh.<>
        service: ssh://
      - service: http_status:404    

This set up can of course also tunnel more than just ssh-traffic. I’m currently using cloudflared together with Traefik, something I plan to write an article about at a later date.

  1. A DNS record is added automatically if the tunnel is managed from the Zero Trust dashboard, but since we’re using a different approach we need to add it manually. ↩︎

  2. ↩︎

  3. I recommend disabling password authentication by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config with PasswordAuthentication no and restarting the ssh-server. ↩︎