Talos is an immutable operating system designed to only run Kubernetes. The advantage of Talos is an out-of-the-box Kubernetes install, as well as a smaller attack surface, and easier maintenance.
In this article we’ll take a look at how to bootstrap and upgrade a multi-node Talos cluster running in VMs on a Proxmox Virtual Environment 8.2 cluster. We’ll be using OpenTofu/Terraform to do this in a declaratively following IaC principles.
This article can be treated as a continuation of my previous scribbles on Bootstrapping k3s with Cilium and running Kubernetes on Proxmox using Debian 12. The previous articles will hopefully form a basis with more nerdy details if my explanations fall short here.
The initial idea was inspired by this post written by Olav which is more straight to the point. I’ve added my own twists, tweaks and thoughts on his initial configuration which I hope warrants this article.
The Kubernetes-Tofu recipe we’ll be bootstrapping today is sweetened using Cilium’s eBPF enhanced honey, subtly seasoned with the Sealed Secrets sauce, and baked at 256° GiB with volumes provisioned by Proxmox CSI Plugin. As an optional garnish we’ll top it with Intel iGPU drivers for Quick Sync Video support.
Key ingredients for this Tofu dish will be the bpg/proxmox and siderolabs/talos providers. To complete the optional bootstrapping we’ll also utilise the Mastercard/rastapi and hashicorp/kubernetes providers.
At the end we’ll have three servings of Talos-Kubernetes control-plane node and one worker node all clustered together. Adjust the recipe according to your needs.
We start by exploring the Talos Linux Image Factory to generate an image with the system components we need. Next we’ll create a virtual machine in Proxmox and use Talos Machine Configuration to bootstrap our Kubernetes cluster.
After kickstarting Kubernetes we take a look at how we can use the provided configuration to upgrade our cluster in-place, before discussing potential improvements to this approach.
Folder structure#
Seeing as this is a fairly long article it might be beneficial to have an overview of the folder structure that will be used for all the resources
├── 📂 talos # Talos configuration
│ ├── 📁 image # Image schematic
│ ├── 📁 inline-manifests # Bootstrapping manifests (Cilium)
│ └── 📁 machine-config # Machine config templates
└── 📂 bootstrap # Optional bootstrap
├── 📂 sealed-secrets # Secrets management
│ └── 📁 certificate # Encryption keys
├── 📂 proxmox-csi-plugin # CSI Driver
└── 📂 volumes # Volume provisioning
├── 📁 persistent-volume # Kubernetes PVs
└── 📁 proxmox-volume # Proxmox disk images
For a full overview of all the files check out the Summary or the repository for this article here.
The hardware used in this article are two Intel N100 based mini-PCs affectionately named euclid and cantor, and a third Intel i3-N305 based machine called abel, all with 32 GB RAM running clustered Proxmox VE 8.2.
Though the cluster would benefit from Ceph, we won’t touch upon that here.
Talos Module#
Once Talos is up and running it must be configured to run and cluster properly.
It’s possible to use talosctl
to do this manually,
but we’ll leverage the Talos-provider to do this for us based on their
own example.
To keep all the configuration in one place and avoid repeating ourselves, we can create a cluster variable to hold the values shared by the whole cluster
variable "cluster" {
description = "Cluster configuration"
type = object({
name = string
endpoint = string
gateway = string
talos_version = string
proxmox_cluster = string
The cluster name is set via the name-variable, while the endpoint-variable signifies the main Kubernetes API endpoint. In a highly available setup this should be configured to use all control plane nodes using e.g. a load balancer. For more information on configuring a HA endpoint read the Talos documentation on “Decide the Kubernetes Endpoint”.
Sidero labs recommends setting the optional talos_version-variable to avoid unexpected behaviour when upgrading, and we will follow that advice here.
We’ll use the gateway-variable to set the default network gateway for all nodes.
Jumping ahead a bit,
the proxmox_cluster-variable will be used to configure the topology.kubernetes.io/region
label to be used by our
chosen CSI-controller.
The values we will use in this article is given below. Note that we’ve skipped HA configuration and set the Kubernetes API endpoint to simply be the IP of the first control-plane node.
cluster = {
name = "talos"
endpoint = ""
gateway = ""
talos_version = "v1.7"
proxmox_cluster = "homelab"
To allow for easy customisation of the nodes we’ll use a map that can be looped through to create and configure the required VMs
variable "nodes" {
description = "Configuration for cluster nodes"
type = map(object({
host_node = string
machine_type = string
datastore_id = optional(string, "local-zfs")
ip = string
mac_address = string
vm_id = number
cpu = number
ram_dedicated = number
update = optional(bool, false)
igpu = optional(bool, false)
In this map we’re using the hostname
as a key and the node configuration as values.
The host_node-variable indicates which Proxmox VE hypervisor node the VM should run on,
whereas the machine_type-variable decides the node-type
— either controlplane
or worker
The remaining variables are for VM-configuration,
the non-obvious ones are perhaps datastore-id-variable
— which is used to control where the VM disk should be stored,
as well as the update-flag
— which selects which image should be used,
and the igpu-flag that can be used to enable passthrough of the host iGPU.
The configuration for a four node cluster with three control-plane nodes and one worker looks like
nodes = {
"ctrl-00" = {
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:00"
host_node = "abel"
vm_id = 800
cpu = 8
ram_dedicated = 4096
"ctrl-01" = {
host_node = "euclid"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:01"
vm_id = 801
cpu = 4
ram_dedicated = 4096
igpu = true
"ctrl-02" = {
host_node = "cantor"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:02"
vm_id = 802
cpu = 4
ram_dedicated = 4096
"work-00" = {
host_node = "abel"
machine_type = "worker"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:08:00"
vm_id = 810
cpu = 8
ram_dedicated = 4096
igpu = true
Note that we’ve arbitrarily enabled iPGU passthrough on the ctrl-01
and work-00
nodes hosted on euclid
and abel
Image Factory#
By definition, an immutable OS disallows changing components after it’s been installed. To not include everything you might need in one image, Sidero Labs — the people behind Talos, have created Talos Linux Image Factory to let you customise which packages are included.
Talos Linux Image Factory enables us to create a Talos image with the configuration we want either through point and click, or by POSTing a YAML/JSON schematic to https://factory.talos.dev/schematics to get back a unique schematic ID.
In our example we want to install QEMU guest agent to report VM status to the Proxmox hypervisor, including Intel microcode and iGPU drivers to be able to take full advantage of Quick Sync Video on Kubernetes.
The schematic for this configuration is
# tofu/talos/image/schematic.yaml
- siderolabs/i915-ucode
- siderolabs/intel-ucode
- siderolabs/qemu-guest-agent
which yields the schematic ID
"id": "dcac6b92c17d1d8947a0cee5e0e6b6904089aa878c70d66196bb1138dbd05d1a"
when POSTed to https://factory.talos.dev/schematics.
Combining our wanted schematic_id
, version
, platform
, and architecture
we can use
as a template to craft a URL to download the requested image.
A simplified Tofu recipe to automate the process of downloading the Talos image to a Proxmox host looks like
# tofu/simplified/image.tf
locals {
factory_url = "https://factory.talos.dev"
platform = "nocloud"
arch = "amd64"
version = "v1.7.5"
schematic = file("${path.module}/image/schematic.yaml")
schematic_id = jsondecode(data.http.schematic_id.response_body)["id"]
image_id = "${local.schematic_id}_${local.version}"
data "http" "schematic_id" {
url = "${local.factory_url}/schematics"
method = "POST"
request_body = local.schematic
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_download_file" "this" {
node_name = "node_name"
content_type = "iso"
datastore_id = "local"
decompression_algorithm = "gz"
overwrite = false
url = "${local.factory_url}/image/${local.schematic_id}/${local.version}/${local.platform}-${local.arch}.raw.gz"
file_name = "talos-${local.schematic_id}-${local.version}-${local.platform}-${local.arch}.img"
Iterating on the above configuration we can craft the following recipe to allow for changing the image incrementally across our cluster
# tofu/talos/image.tf
locals {
version = var.image.version
schematic = var.image.schematic
schematic_id = jsondecode(data.http.schematic_id.response_body)["id"]
image_id = "${local.schematic_id}_${local.version}"
update_version = coalesce(var.image.update_version, var.image.version)
update_schematic = coalesce(var.image.update_schematic, var.image.schematic)
update_schematic_id = jsondecode(data.http.updated_schematic_id.response_body)["id"]
update_image_id = "${local.update_schematic_id}_${local.update_version}"
data "http" "schematic_id" {
url = "${var.image.factory_url}/schematics"
method = "POST"
request_body = local.schematic
data "http" "updated_schematic_id" {
url = "${var.image.factory_url}/schematics"
method = "POST"
request_body = local.update_schematic
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_download_file" "this" {
for_each = toset(distinct([for k, v in var.nodes : "${v.host_node}_${v.update == true ? local.update_image_id : local.image_id}"]))
node_name = split("_", each.key)[0]
content_type = "iso"
datastore_id = var.image.proxmox_datastore
file_name = "talos-${split("_",each.key)[1]}-${split("_", each.key)[2]}-${var.image.platform}-${var.image.arch}.img"
url = "${var.image.factory_url}/image/${split("_", each.key)[1]}/${split("_", each.key)[2]}/${var.image.platform}-${var.image.arch}.raw.gz"
decompression_algorithm = "gz"
overwrite = false
with the following variable definition
variable "image" {
description = "Talos image configuration"
type = object({
factory_url = optional(string, "https://factory.talos.dev")
schematic = string
version = string
update_schematic = optional(string)
update_version = optional(string)
arch = optional(string, "amd64")
platform = optional(string, "nocloud")
proxmox_datastore = optional(string, "local")
Here we’ve keyed the
resource to be <host>_<schematic_id>_<version>
which will trigger a recreation of the connected VM only when the node
update variable is changed.
At the time of writing, the v0.6.0-alpha.1 pre-release of the Talos provider has built-in support for generating schematic IDs, so this step can probably be simplified in the future.
For more details on how to customize Talos images check the Talos Image Factory GitHub repository for documentation.
If you’re partial to NVIDIA GPU acceleration, Talos has instructions on how to enable this in their documentation, so there’s no need to cover it here.
Client Configuration#
The first step in setting up Talos machines is to create machine secrets and client configuration shared by all nodes.
The talos_machine_secrets resource generates certificates to be shared between the nodes for security, the only optional arguments is talos_version.
resource "talos_machine_secrets" "this" {
talos_version = var.cluster.talos_version
Next we generate talos_client_configuration where we set the cluster_name and add machine secrets from the previous resource.
data "talos_client_configuration" "this" {
cluster_name = var.cluster.name
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
nodes = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip]
endpoints = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"]
As for optional configuration we’ve added all the nodes from our input variable and only the controlplane
nodes as
Read the talosctl
documentation for the difference between
nodes and
Machine Configuration#
With the client configuration in place we next need to prepare the machine configuration for the Talos nodes.
We’ve prepared separate machine-config templates for the control-plane and worker nodes.
The worker machine config simply contains the node hostname,
along with
the well-known
which will be used by the Proxmox CSI plugin later
# tofu/talos/machine-config/worker.yaml.tftpl
hostname: ${hostname}
topology.kubernetes.io/region: ${cluster_name}
topology.kubernetes.io/zone: ${node_name}
If you’re going for a high availability setup where the nodes can move around, you should look into either the Talos or Proxmox Cloud Controller Managers to set the topology labels dynamically based on the node location.
The control-plane machine configuration starts off similar to the worker configuration, but we’re adding cluster configuration to allow scheduling on the control-plane nodes, as well as disabling the default kube-proxy which we’ll replace by the Cilium CNI using an inline bootstrap manifest.
# tofu/talos/machine-config/control-plane.yaml.tftpl
hostname: ${hostname}
topology.kubernetes.io/region: ${cluster_name}
topology.kubernetes.io/zone: ${node_name}
allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes: true
name: none
disabled: true
# Optional Gateway API CRDs
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_gatewayclasses.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/experimental/gateway.networking.k8s.io_gateways.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_httproutes.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_referencegrants.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_grpcroutes.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/experimental/gateway.networking.k8s.io_tlsroutes.yaml
- name: cilium-values
contents: |
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cilium-values
namespace: kube-system
values.yaml: |-
${indent(10, cilium_values)}
- name: cilium-bootstrap
contents: |
${indent(6, cilium_install)}
You can also add extra manifests to be applied during the bootstrap, e.g. the Gateway API CRDs if you plan to use the Gateway API.
The different talos_machine_configuration for each node is prepared using the following recipe
data "talos_machine_configuration" "this" {
for_each = var.nodes
cluster_name = var.cluster.name
cluster_endpoint = var.cluster.endpoint
talos_version = var.cluster.talos_version
machine_type = each.value.machine_type
machine_secrets = talos_machine_secrets.this.machine_secrets
config_patches = each.value.machine_type == "controlplane" ? [
templatefile("${path.module}/machine-config/control-plane.yaml.tftpl", {
hostname = each.key
node_name = each.value.host_node
cluster_name = var.cluster.proxmox_cluster
cilium_values = var.cilium.values
cilium_install = var.cilium.install
] : [
templatefile("${path.module}/machine-config/worker.yaml.tftpl", {
hostname = each.key
node_name = each.value.host_node
cluster_name = var.cluster.proxmox_cluster
Cilium Bootstrap#
The cilium-bootstrap
inlineManifest is modified from the Talos documentation example
on deploying Cilium CNI using a job
to use values passed from the cilium-values
inlineManifest ConfigMap.
This allows us to easily bootstrap Cilium using a values.yaml
file we can reuse later.
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: cilium-install
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: cilium-install
namespace: kube-system
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: cilium-install
namespace: kube-system
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: cilium-install
namespace: kube-system
backoffLimit: 10
app: cilium-install
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- operator: Exists
- effect: NoSchedule
operator: Exists
- effect: NoExecute
operator: Exists
- effect: PreferNoSchedule
operator: Exists
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
effect: NoExecute
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
effect: PreferNoSchedule
- matchExpressions:
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
serviceAccountName: cilium-install
hostNetwork: true
- name: cilium-install
image: quay.io/cilium/cilium-cli-ci:latest
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: status.podIP
value: "6443"
- name: values
mountPath: /root/app/values.yaml
subPath: values.yaml
- cilium
- install
- --version=v1.16.0
- --set
- kubeProxyReplacement=true
- --values
- /root/app/values.yaml
- name: values
name: cilium-values
A basic values.yaml
configuration that works with Talos would be the following as suggested in the Talos documentation
kubeProxyReplacement: true
# Talos specific
# https://www.talos.dev/latest/kubernetes-guides/configuration/kubeprism/
k8sServiceHost: localhost
k8sServicePort: 7445
enabled: false
hostRoot: /sys/fs/cgroup
# https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/network/concepts/ipam/
mode: kubernetes
We can later expand on this configuration by optionally enabling L2 Announcements, IngressController, Gateway API, and/or Hubble as we’ve done in the summary section.
If you’re interested in learning more about the capabilities of Cilium, I’ve written about ARP, L2 announcements, and LB IPAM in a previous article about Migrating from MetalLB to Cilium. I’ve also authored an article about using the Cilium Gateway API implementation as a replacement for the Ingress API.
Virtual Machines#
Before we can apply the machine configuration we need to create the VMs to perform this action on.
If you’re new to Proxmox and virtual machines I’ve covered some of the configuration choices in my previous Kubernetes on Proxmox article where I also try to explain PCI-passthrough.
The proxmox_virtual_environment_vm
recipe we’ll be using is pretty straight-forward,
expect the conditional boot-disk file_id
based on if we want an
updated image or not,
and the dynamic hostpci block for conditional PCI-passthrough.
# tofu/talos/virtual-machines.tf
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_vm" "this" {
for_each = var.nodes
node_name = each.value.host_node
name = each.key
description = each.value.machine_type == "controlplane" ? "Talos Control Plane" : "Talos Worker"
tags = each.value.machine_type == "controlplane" ? ["k8s", "control-plane"] : ["k8s", "worker"]
on_boot = true
vm_id = each.value.vm_id
machine = "q35"
scsi_hardware = "virtio-scsi-single"
bios = "seabios"
agent {
enabled = true
cpu {
cores = each.value.cpu
type = "host"
memory {
dedicated = each.value.ram_dedicated
network_device {
bridge = "vmbr0"
mac_address = each.value.mac_address
disk {
datastore_id = each.value.datastore_id
interface = "scsi0"
iothread = true
cache = "writethrough"
discard = "on"
ssd = true
file_format = "raw"
size = 20
file_id = proxmox_virtual_environment_download_file.this["${each.value.host_node}_${each.value.update == true ? local.update_image_id : local.image_id}"].id
boot_order = ["scsi0"]
operating_system {
type = "l26" # Linux Kernel 2.6 - 6.X.
initialization {
datastore_id = each.value.datastore_id
ip_config {
ipv4 {
address = "${each.value.ip}/24"
gateway = var.cluster.gateway
dynamic "hostpci" {
for_each = each.value.igpu ? [1] : []
content {
# Passthrough iGPU
device = "hostpci0"
mapping = "iGPU"
pcie = true
rombar = true
xvga = false
Note that the iGPU has to be mapped in Proxmox first. This can be done under Datacenter > Resource Mappings > Add. Go through all the physical nodes and manually map the applicable iGPU for each of them as shown below.

Talos Bootstrap#
With the VMs booted up. the Talos machine configuration can be applied using the aptly named talos_machine_configuration_apply resource
resource "talos_machine_configuration_apply" "this" {
depends_on = [proxmox_virtual_environment_vm.this]
for_each = var.nodes
node = each.value.ip
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
machine_configuration_input = data.talos_machine_configuration.this[each.key].machine_configuration
lifecycle {
replace_triggered_by = [proxmox_virtual_environment_vm.this[each.key]]
which should depend on the VMs being up and running. The configuration should also be re-applied on changed VMs, e.g. when the boot image is updated to facilitate an upgrade.
Finally, we can bootstrap the cluster using a talos_machine_bootstrap resource
resource "talos_machine_bootstrap" "this" {
node = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"][0]
endpoint = var.cluster.endpoint
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
Note that we’ve arbitrarily picked the ip of the first control-plane node here, but also supplied the (optional) potentially load-balanced cluster endpoint.
To make sure that the cluster is up and running we probe the cluster health
data "talos_cluster_health" "this" {
depends_on = [
client_configuration = data.talos_client_configuration.this.client_configuration
control_plane_nodes = [for k, v in var.cluster_config.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"]
worker_nodes = [for k, v in var.cluster_config.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "worker"]
endpoints = data.talos_client_configuration.this.endpoints
timeouts = {
read = "10m"
When the cluster is up and healthy we can fetch the kube-config file from the talos_cluster_kubeconfig data source
data "talos_cluster_kubeconfig" "this" {
depends_on = [
node = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"][0]
endpoint = var.cluster.endpoint
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
timeouts = {
read = "1m"
Here we’ve again arbitrarily picked the required node-parameter to be the first control plane node IP, but also set the optional endpoint.
Module Output#
We’ve configured the Talos module to output the client config file to be used with the talosctl
and the Kubernetes config file to be used with kubectl
# tofu/talos/output.tf
output "client_configuration" {
value = data.talos_client_configuration.this
sensitive = true
output "kube_config" {
value = data.talos_cluster_kubeconfig.this
sensitive = true
output "machine_config" {
value = data.talos_machine_configuration.this
For debug purposes we’ve also included the machine configuration, which arguably should also be marked as sensitive.
Sealed-secrets (Optional)#
Once the cluster is up and running — and with the kubeconfig-file in hand, we can start bootstrapping the cluster.
Sealed secrets promises that
[they] are safe to store in your local code repository, along with the rest of your configuration.
This makes Sealed Secrets an alternative to e.g. Secrets Store CSI Driver, and as advertised allows us to keep the secrets in the same place as the configuration.
The only gotcha with this approach is that you need to keep the decryption key. If you tear down and rebuild your cluster you thus need to inject the same encryption/decryption keys to be able to reuse the same SealedSecret objects.
To bootstrap an initial secret for this purpose we can use the following Tofu recipe
# tofu/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/config.tf
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "sealed-secrets" {
metadata {
name = "sealed-secrets"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sealed-secrets-key" {
depends_on = [ kubernetes_namespace.sealed-secrets ]
type = "kubernetes.io/tls"
metadata {
name = "sealed-secrets-bootstrap-key"
namespace = "sealed-secrets"
labels = {
"sealedsecrets.bitnami.com/sealed-secrets-key" = "active"
data = {
"tls.crt" = var.cert.cert
"tls.key" = var.cert.key
with the cert-variable defined as
# tofu/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/variables.tf
variable "cert" {
description = "Certificate for encryption/decryption"
type = object({
cert = string
key = string
This will create the sealed-secrets
namespace and populate it with a single secret which Sealed Secrets should pick
A valid Sealed Secrets certificate-key pair can be generated using OpenSSL by running
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout sealed-secrets.key -out sealed-secrets.cert -subj "/CN=sealed-secret/O=sealed-secret"
to be used as input.
For increased security you should rotate the certificate and re-encrypt the secrets one in a while.
Proxmox CSI Plugin (Optional)#
Since we’re running on Proxmox, a natural choice for a CSI (Container Storage Interface) driver would be utilising Proxmox.
A great alternative for this is the Proxmox CSI Plugin by Serge Logvinov to provision persistent storage for our Kubernetes cluster.
I’ve covered how to configure Proxmox CSI Plugin in Kubernetes Proxmox CSI so I’ll allow myself to be brief here.
We first need to create a CSI
role in Proxmox
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_role" "csi" {
role_id = "CSI"
privileges = [
and bestow that role to a kubernetes-csi
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_user" "kubernetes-csi" {
user_id = "kubernetes-csi@pve"
comment = "User for Proxmox CSI Plugin"
acl {
path = "/"
propagate = true
role_id = proxmox_virtual_environment_role.csi.role_id
We then create a token for that user
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token" "kubernetes-csi-token" {
comment = "Token for Proxmox CSI Plugin"
token_name = "csi"
user_id = proxmox_virtual_environment_user.kubernetes-csi.user_id
privileges_separation = false
which we input in a privileged namespace (which is required according to the Proxmox CSI Plugin documentation)
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "csi-proxmox" {
metadata {
name = "csi-proxmox"
labels = {
"pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce" = "privileged"
"pod-security.kubernetes.io/audit" = "baseline"
"pod-security.kubernetes.io/warn" = "baseline"
as a secret containing the Proxmox CSI Plugin configuration
resource "kubernetes_secret" "proxmox-csi-plugin" {
metadata {
name = "proxmox-csi-plugin"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.csi-proxmox.id
data = {
"config.yaml" = <<EOF
- url: "${var.proxmox.endpoint}/api2/json"
insecure: ${var.proxmox.insecure}
token_id: "${proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token.kubernetes-csi-token.id}"
token_secret: "${element(split("=", proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token.kubernetes-csi-token.value), length(split("=", proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token.kubernetes-csi-token.value)) - 1)}"
region: ${var.proxmox.cluster_name}
Provision Volumes (Optional)#
With Proxmox CSI Plugin we can provision volumes using PersistentVolumeClaims
referencing a StorageClass
which uses
the csi.proxmox.sinextra.dev
provisioner, e.g.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc-test
namespace: proxmox-csi-test
storageClassName: proxmox-csi
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
for the StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: proxmox-csi
provisioner: csi.proxmox.sinextra.dev
cache: writethrough
csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
storage: local-zfs
This will automatically create a VM disk in Proxmox and a corresponding PersistentVolume
referencing the mounted VM
The potential issue with this is that the created VM disk will be named with a random UUID
— e.g. vm-9999-pvc-96bff316-1d50-45d5-b8fa-449bb3825211
which makes referencing it again after a cluster rebuild cumbersome.
A solution to this issue is to manually create a VM disk in Proxmox and a PersistentVolume
referencing it,
which we will do here.
The Proxmox provider we’ve chosen doesn’t (yet) support creating VM disks directly, so we have to resort to the Proxmox VE REST API to use it. For this purpose we can use the Mastercard restapi provider to conjure the following OpenTofu recipe
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/proxmox-volumes/proxmox-volume.tf
locals {
filename = "vm-${var.volume.vmid}-${var.volume.name}"
resource "restapi_object" "proxmox-volume" {
path = "/api2/json/nodes/${var.volume.node}/storage/${var.volume.storage}/content/"
id_attribute = "data"
force_new = [var.volume.size]
data = jsonencode({
vmid = var.volume.vmid
filename = local.filename
size = var.volume.size
format = var.volume.format
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
output "node" {
value = var.volume.node
output "storage" {
value = var.volume.storage
output "filename" {
value = local.filename
with the inpu variables defined as
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/proxmox-volumes/variables.tf
variable "proxmox_api" {
type = object({
endpoint = string
insecure = bool
api_token = string
sensitive = true
variable "volume" {
type = object({
name = string
node = string
size = string
storage = optional(string, "local-zfs")
vmid = optional(number, 9999)
format = optional(string, "raw")
On the Kubernetes side we create a matching PersistentVolume
the Hashicorp kubernetes provider
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/persistent-volume/config.tf
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "pv" {
metadata {
name = var.volume.name
spec {
capacity = {
storage = var.volume.capacity
access_modes = var.volume.access_modes
storage_class_name = var.volume.storage_class_name
mount_options = var.volume.mount_options
volume_mode = var.volume.volume_mode
persistent_volume_source {
csi {
driver = var.volume.driver
fs_type = var.volume.fs_type
volume_handle = var.volume.volume_handle
volume_attributes = {
cache = var.volume.cache
ssd = var.volume.ssd == true ? "true" : "false"
storage = var.volume.storage
providing the module with the following variables
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/persistent-volume/variables.tf
variable "volume" {
description = "Volume configuration"
type = object({
name = string
capacity = string
volume_handle = string
access_modes = optional(list(string), ["ReadWriteOnce"])
storage_class_name = optional(string, "proxmox-csi")
fs_type = optional(string, "ext4")
driver = optional(string, "csi.proxmox.sinextra.dev")
volume_mode = optional(string, "Filesystem")
mount_options = optional(list(string), ["noatime"])
cache = optional(string, "writethrough")
ssd = optional(bool, true)
storage = optional(string, "local-zfs")
Combining the proxmox- and persistent-volume moules we can use the output from the former to set the volume_handle in the latter to tie them together
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/main.tf
module "proxmox-volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
source = "./proxmox-volume"
providers = {
restapi = restapi
proxmox_api = var.proxmox_api
volume = {
name = each.key
node = each.value.node
size = each.value.size
storage = each.value.storage
vmid = each.value.vmid
format = each.value.format
module "persistent-volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
source = "./persistent-volume"
providers = {
kubernetes = kubernetes
volume = {
name = each.key
capacity = each.value.size
volume_handle = "${var.proxmox_api.cluster_name}/${module.proxmox-volume[each.key].node}/${module.proxmox-volume[each.key].storage}/${module.proxmox-volume[each.key].filename}"
storage = each.value.storage
The input to this aggregated volume-module takes Proxmox API details and a map of volumes as input
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/variables.tf
variable "proxmox_api" {
type = object({
endpoint = string
insecure = bool
api_token = string
cluster_name = string
sensitive = true
variable "volumes" {
type = map(
node = string
size = string
storage = optional(string, "local-zfs")
vmid = optional(number, 9999)
format = optional(string, "raw")
To provision a 4 GB PersistentVolume
backed by a Proxmox VM disk attached to e.g. the abel
node you can supply
volumes = {
pv-test = {
node = "abel"
size = "4G"
as input to the volume-module.
To claim this module you then reference the PV in a PersistentVolumeClaim
’s volumeName field, e.g.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: lidarr-config
namespace: pvc-test
storageClassName: proxmox-csi
volumeName: pv-test
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 4G
Since we’re not running with distributed storage
— e.g. Ceph, GlusterFS, or Longhorn,
we have to manually specify that the pod using the PVC has to run on the same node as the
Proxmox backed volume.
We can easily do this by referencing the corresponding topology.kubernetes.io/zone
in a pod nodeSelector, i.e.
topology.kubernetes.io/zone: abel
Main Course#
Having prepared the main Talos dish and possibly a few of the side-courses,
we can start combining all the OpenTofu recipes into a fully-fledged meal cluster.
The providers backing the whole operation are
terraform {
required_providers {
talos = {
source = "siderolabs/talos"
version = "0.5.0"
proxmox = {
source = "bpg/proxmox"
version = "0.61.1"
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = "2.31.0"
restapi = {
source = "Mastercard/restapi"
version = "1.19.1"
with details on how to connect to the Proxmox API supplied as a variable
# tofu/variables.tf
variable "proxmox" {
type = object({
name = string
cluster_name = string
endpoint = string
insecure = bool
username = string
api_token = string
sensitive = true
As an example we can directly connect to one of the Proxmox nodes using the following variables
# tofu/proxmox.auto.tfvars
proxmox = {
name = "abel"
cluster_name = "homelab"
endpoint = ""
insecure = true
username = "root"
api_token = "root@pam!tofu=<UUID>"
An API token can be generated in the Datacenter > Permissions > API Tokens menu by clicking Add as shown below

The Talos provider requires no configuration, while the Proxmox provider consumes the previously defined variable
provider "proxmox" {
endpoint = var.proxmox.endpoint
insecure = var.proxmox.insecure
api_token = var.proxmox.api_token
ssh {
agent = true
username = var.proxmox.username
Next, the Kubernetes provider is configured using output from the Talos module
provider "kubernetes" {
host = module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.host
client_certificate = base64decode(module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.client_certificate)
client_key = base64decode(module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.client_key)
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.ca_certificate)
Lastly the Rest API provider consumes the same variable as the Proxmox provider
provider "restapi" {
uri = var.proxmox.endpoint
insecure = var.proxmox.insecure
write_returns_object = true
headers = {
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
"Authorization" = "PVEAPIToken=${var.proxmox.api_token}"
Following the provider configuration we can start to populate the talos module configuration
module "talos" {
source = "./talos"
providers = {
proxmox = proxmox
image = {
version = "v1.7.5"
schematic = file("${path.module}/talos/image/schematic.yaml")
cilium = {
install = file("${path.module}/talos/inline-manifests/cilium-install.yaml")
values = file("${path.module}/../kubernetes/cilium/values.yaml")
cluster = {
name = "talos"
endpoint = ""
gateway = ""
talos_version = "v1.7"
proxmox_cluster = "homelab"
nodes = {
"ctrl-00" = {
host_node = "abel"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:00"
vm_id = 800
cpu = 8
ram_dedicated = 4096
"ctrl-01" = {
host_node = "euclid"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:01"
vm_id = 801
cpu = 4
ram_dedicated = 4096
igpu = true
"ctrl-02" = {
host_node = "cantor"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:02"
vm_id = 802
cpu = 4
ram_dedicated = 4096
"work-00" = {
host_node = "abel"
machine_type = "worker"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:08:00"
vm_id = 810
cpu = 8
ram_dedicated = 4096
igpu = true
Here we’ve supplied the Talos image schematic in an external file previously mentioned in the Image Factory section. The Cilium install script is the same as in the Cilium Bootstrap section, and the corresponding values are picked up from an external file shown in the Summary section. The remaining cluster and nodes variables are the same as from the Talos Module section for a four-node cluster.
To output the created talos- and kube-config files along with the machine configuration we can use the following recipe
# tofu/output.tf
resource "local_file" "machine_configs" {
for_each = module.talos.machine_config
content = each.value.machine_configuration
filename = "output/talos-machine-config-${each.key}.yaml"
file_permission = "0600"
resource "local_file" "talos_config" {
content = module.talos.client_configuration.talos_config
filename = "output/talos-config.yaml"
file_permission = "0600"
resource "local_file" "kube_config" {
content = module.talos.kube_config.kubeconfig_raw
filename = "output/kube-config.yaml"
file_permission = "0600"
output "kube_config" {
value = module.talos.kube_config.kubeconfig_raw
sensitive = true
output "talos_config" {
value = module.talos.client_configuration.talos_config
sensitive = true
This stores the variables under ./output
, and makes it possible to show them by running
tofu output -raw kube_config
tofu output -raw talos_config
If you’ve opted to use the sealed_secrets module it can be configured by sending along the kubernetes provider and supplying it with the certificate you created in the Sealed Secrets section.
module "sealed_secrets" {
depends_on = [module.talos]
source = "./bootstrap/sealed-secrets"
providers = {
kubernetes = kubernetes
cert = {
cert = file("${path.module}/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/certificate/sealed-secrets.cert")
key = file("${path.module}/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/certificate/sealed-secrets.key")
The proxmox_csi_plugin module requires the proxmox and kubernetes providers along with the proxmox variable used in the main module
module "proxmox_csi_plugin" {
depends_on = [module.talos]
source = "./bootstrap/proxmox-csi-plugin"
providers = {
proxmox = proxmox
kubernetes = kubernetes
proxmox = var.proxmox
To provision storage we use the volumes module which we supply with configured restapi and kubernetes providers. We can also reuse the same proxmox variable to use the Proxmox API. The volumes are supplied as a map with the backing node and size as the only required values
module "volumes" {
depends_on = [module.proxmox_csi_plugin]
source = "./bootstrap/volumes"
providers = {
restapi = restapi
kubernetes = kubernetes
proxmox_api = var.proxmox
volumes = {
pv-test = {
node = "abel"
size = "4G"
If you want to reuse previously created volumes — e.g. during a cluster rebuild, these can be imported into the Tofu state by running
tofu import 'module.volumes.module.proxmox-volume["<VOLUME_NAME>"].restapi_object.proxmox-volume' /api2/json/nodes/<NODE>/storage/<DATASTORE_ID>/content/<DATASTORE_ID>:vm-9999-<VOLUME_NAME>
for the Proxmox VM disk and
tofu import 'module.volumes.module.persistent-volume["<VOLUME_NAME>"].kubernetes_persistent_volume.pv' <VOLUME_NAME>
for the Kubernetes persistent volume
Kubernetes Bootstrap#
Assuming the cluster is up and running and the kubeconfig file is in the expected place you should now be able to
run kubectl get nodes
and be greeted with
ctrl-00 Ready control-plane 30h v1.30.0
ctrl-01 Ready control-plane 30h v1.30.0
ctrl-02 Ready control-plane 30h v1.30.0
work-00 Ready control-plane 30h v1.30.0
You’re now ready to start populating your freshly baked OpenTofu-flavoured Talos Kubernetes cluster.
Popular choices to do this in a declarative manner is Flux CD and Argo CD.
I picked the latter and wrote an article on making use of Argo CD with Kustomize + Helm, which is what I’m currently using.
For inspiration, you can check out the configuration for my homelab here.
Upgrading the Cluster#
Talos has a built-in capabilities of upgrading a cluster
using the talosctl
There’s unfortunately no support yet for this in the Talos provider.
To combat this shortcoming we’ve set up the Talos module such that we can successively change the image used by each node. Assume we start with the following abbreviated module configuration
Using the above configuration and running kubectl get nodes -o wide
should give us something similar to
ctrl-00 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.4) 6.6.32-talos containerd://1.7.16
ctrl-01 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.4) 6.6.32-talos containerd://1.7.16
ctrl-02 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.4) 6.6.32-talos containerd://1.7.16
which shows all nodes running on Talos v1.7.4.
By adding updated_version = "v1.7.5"
(line 3) and telling ctrl-02
to use the updated image (line 19) we can update
that node
Ideally cordoning and draining node ctrl-02
before running tofu apply
we should be eventually be met with
ctrl-00 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.4) 6.6.32-talos containerd://1.7.16
ctrl-01 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.4) 6.6.32-talos containerd://1.7.16
ctrl-02 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.5) 6.6.33-talos containerd://1.7.18
indicating that node ctrl-02
is now running Talos v1.7.5.
Performing the same ritual for node ctrl-01
we should in time be greeted with the following cluster status
ctrl-00 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.4) 6.6.32-talos containerd://1.7.16
ctrl-01 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.5) 6.6.33-talos containerd://1.7.18
ctrl-02 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.5) 6.6.33-talos containerd://1.7.18
indicating that only ctrl-00
is left on version 1.7.4.
To complete the upgrade we can update the main version to be v1.7.5
(line 2),
and remove the update-flag for nodes ctrl-01
and ctrl-02
Successfully running tofu apply
a third time should ultimately yield all nodes running on Talos v1.7.5 with upgraded
kernel and containerd versions.
ctrl-00 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.5) 6.6.33-talos containerd://1.7.18
ctrl-01 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.5) 6.6.33-talos containerd://1.7.18
ctrl-02 Ready control-plane v1.30.0 Talos (v1.7.5) 6.6.33-talos containerd://1.7.18
Potential improvements#
The above recipe is fairly complex, and I’m sure not without room for improvement.
Below are some of the improvements I’ve though about while writing this article. If you have any comments or other ideas for improvement I would love to hear from you!
Talos Linux Image Schematic ID#
The 0.6.0 release of the Talos Provider promises support for their Image Factory. An improvement would be to change the current custom code to fetch the schematic ID to use Sidero Labs’ own implementation.
The ability to use different schematics for different nodes would also be interesting, though it would add complexity to the current upgrade procedure.
Machine config#
The possibility of overriding machine config to allow for a non-homogeneous cluster would probably be a nifty feature to have, though I see no pressing need for one.
There’s also lot more that can be configured using the machine config, e.g. like Bernd Schorgers (bjw-s) has done here.
The current implementation uses the default Proxmox network bridge. An improvement would be to create at a dedicated subnet for the Kubernetes cluster and configure firewall rules.
Serge Logvinov has done some work on this that might be interesting to check out properly.
Load balancing and IPv6 would also be interesting to implement.
Implementing Ceph for distributed storage would be a great improvement to allow pods to not be bound to a single physical hypervisor node. It would also allow some for of fail-over in case a node should become unresponsive.
Petitioning the maintainers of the Proxmox provider used here to be able to directly create VM disks would allow us to ditch the Mastercard REST API provider in favour of fewer dependencies and possibly a more streamlined experience.
I’ve opened a GitHub issue with the maintainers of the Proxmox provider to ask for this feature.
Cluster upgrading#
I find the current approach to upgrading the cluster by destroying and recreating VMs to not be the most elegant
A better solution would be to hook into the already existing talosctl
capabilities to gracefully upgrade the cluster
as suggested by this GitHub issue,
though this reply is
somewhat discouraging.
Currently, changing the cluster.talos_version
variable will destroy and recreate the whole cluster,
something that not might not be wanted when upgrading from e.g. v1.7.5 to v1.8.0 when that version becomes available.
The resources created in this article can be found in the repository hosting the code for this site at GitLab.
You can find a snapshot of my homelab IaC configuration running this setup on GitHub.
├── 📂 kubernetes
│ └── 📂 cilium
│ ├── 📋 kustomization.yaml
│ ├── 📄 announce.yaml
│ ├── 📄 ip-pool.yaml
│ └── 📄 values.yaml
└── 📂 tofu
├── 📝 providers.tf
├── 📝 variables.tf
├── 📃 proxmox.auto.tfvars
├── 📝 main.tf
├── 📝 output.tf
├── 📂 talos
│ ├── 📝 providers.tf
│ ├── 📝 variables.tf
│ ├── 📝 image.tf
│ ├── 📝 config.tf
│ ├── 📝 virtual-machines.tf
│ ├── 📝 output.tf
│ ├── 📂 image
│ │ └── 📄 schematic.yaml
│ ├── 📂 machine-config
│ │ ├── 📋 control-plane.yaml.tftpl
│ │ └── 📋 worker.yaml.tftpl
│ └── 📂 inline-manifests
│ └── 📄 cilium-install.yaml
└── 📂 bootstrap
├── 📂 sealed-secrets
│ ├── 📝 providers.tf
│ ├── 📝 variables.tf
│ └── 📝 config.tf
├── 📂 proxmox-csi-plugin
│ ├── 📝 providers.tf
│ ├── 📝 variables.tf
│ └── 📝 config.tf
└── 📂 volumes
├── 📂 persistent-volume
│ ├── 📝 providers.tf
│ ├── 📝 variables.tf
│ └── 📝 config.tf
├── 📂 proxmox-volume
│ ├── 📝 providers.tf
│ ├── 📝 variables.tf
│ └── 📝 config.tf
├── 📝 providers.tf
├── 📝 variables.tf
└── 📝 main.tf
Main Kubernetes Module#
# tofu/providers.tf
terraform {
required_providers {
talos = {
source = "siderolabs/talos"
version = "0.5.0"
proxmox = {
source = "bpg/proxmox"
version = "0.61.1"
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = "2.31.0"
restapi = {
source = "Mastercard/restapi"
version = "1.19.1"
provider "proxmox" {
endpoint = var.proxmox.endpoint
insecure = var.proxmox.insecure
api_token = var.proxmox.api_token
ssh {
agent = true
username = var.proxmox.username
provider "kubernetes" {
host = module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.host
client_certificate = base64decode(module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.client_certificate)
client_key = base64decode(module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.client_key)
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.talos.kube_config.kubernetes_client_configuration.ca_certificate)
provider "restapi" {
uri = var.proxmox.endpoint
insecure = var.proxmox.insecure
write_returns_object = true
headers = {
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
"Authorization" = "PVEAPIToken=${var.proxmox.api_token}"
# tofu/variables.tf
variable "proxmox" {
type = object({
name = string
cluster_name = string
endpoint = string
insecure = bool
username = string
api_token = string
sensitive = true
# tofu/proxmox.auto.tfvars
proxmox = {
name = "abel"
cluster_name = "homelab"
endpoint = ""
insecure = true
username = "root"
api_token = "root@pam!tofu=<UUID>"
# tofu/main.tf
module "talos" {
source = "./talos"
providers = {
proxmox = proxmox
image = {
version = "v1.7.5"
schematic = file("${path.module}/talos/image/schematic.yaml")
cilium = {
install = file("${path.module}/talos/inline-manifests/cilium-install.yaml")
values = file("${path.module}/../kubernetes/cilium/values.yaml")
cluster = {
name = "talos"
endpoint = ""
gateway = ""
talos_version = "v1.7"
proxmox_cluster = "homelab"
nodes = {
"ctrl-00" = {
host_node = "abel"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:00"
vm_id = 800
cpu = 8
ram_dedicated = 4096
"ctrl-01" = {
host_node = "euclid"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:01"
vm_id = 801
cpu = 4
ram_dedicated = 4096
igpu = true
"ctrl-02" = {
host_node = "cantor"
machine_type = "controlplane"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:C8:02"
vm_id = 802
cpu = 4
ram_dedicated = 4096
"work-00" = {
host_node = "abel"
machine_type = "worker"
ip = ""
mac_address = "BC:24:11:2E:08:00"
vm_id = 810
cpu = 8
ram_dedicated = 4096
igpu = true
module "sealed_secrets" {
depends_on = [module.talos]
source = "./bootstrap/sealed-secrets"
providers = {
kubernetes = kubernetes
cert = {
cert = file("${path.module}/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/certificate/sealed-secrets.cert")
key = file("${path.module}/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/certificate/sealed-secrets.key")
module "proxmox_csi_plugin" {
depends_on = [module.talos]
source = "./bootstrap/proxmox-csi-plugin"
providers = {
proxmox = proxmox
kubernetes = kubernetes
proxmox = var.proxmox
module "volumes" {
depends_on = [module.proxmox_csi_plugin]
source = "./bootstrap/volumes"
providers = {
restapi = restapi
kubernetes = kubernetes
proxmox_api = var.proxmox
volumes = {
pv-test = {
node = "abel"
size = "4G"
# tofu/output.tf
resource "local_file" "machine_configs" {
for_each = module.talos.machine_config
content = each.value.machine_configuration
filename = "output/talos-machine-config-${each.key}.yaml"
file_permission = "0600"
resource "local_file" "talos_config" {
content = module.talos.client_configuration.talos_config
filename = "output/talos-config.yaml"
file_permission = "0600"
resource "local_file" "kube_config" {
content = module.talos.kube_config.kubeconfig_raw
filename = "output/kube-config.yaml"
file_permission = "0600"
output "kube_config" {
value = module.talos.kube_config.kubeconfig_raw
sensitive = true
output "talos_config" {
value = module.talos.client_configuration.talos_config
sensitive = true
# kubernetes/cilium/kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- announce.yaml
- ip-pool.yaml
- name: cilium
repo: https://helm.cilium.io
version: 1.16.1
releaseName: "cilium"
includeCRDs: true
namespace: kube-system
valuesFile: values.yaml
# kubernetes/cilium/announce.yaml
apiVersion: cilium.io/v2alpha1
kind: CiliumL2AnnouncementPolicy
name: default-l2-announcement-policy
namespace: kube-system
externalIPs: true
loadBalancerIPs: true
# kubernetes/cilium/ip-pool.yaml
apiVersion: cilium.io/v2alpha1
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
name: ip-pool
- start:
name: talos
id: 1
kubeProxyReplacement: true
# Talos specific
k8sServiceHost: localhost
k8sServicePort: 7445
enabled: false
hostRoot: /sys/fs/cgroup
# https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/network/concepts/ipam/
mode: kubernetes
rollOutPods: true
cpu: 500m
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 50m
memory: 128Mi
# Roll out cilium agent pods automatically when ConfigMap is updated.
rollOutCiliumPods: true
cpu: 1000m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 200m
memory: 512Mi
# enabled: true
# Increase rate limit when doing L2 announcements
qps: 20
burst: 100
enabled: true
enabled: true
enableCiliumEndpointSlice: true
# https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/network/kubernetes/kubeproxy-free/#maglev-consistent-hashing
algorithm: maglev
enabled: true
keepCapNetBindService: true
enabled: true
default: true
loadbalancerMode: shared
enabled: true
enabled: true
rollOutPods: true
enabled: true
rollOutPods: true
Talos Module#
# tofu/talos/providers.tf
terraform {
required_providers {
proxmox = {
source = "bpg/proxmox"
version = ">=0.60.0"
talos = {
source = "siderolabs/talos"
version = ">=0.5.0"
# tofu/talos/variables.tf
variable "image" {
description = "Talos image configuration"
type = object({
factory_url = optional(string, "https://factory.talos.dev")
schematic = string
version = string
update_schematic = optional(string)
update_version = optional(string)
arch = optional(string, "amd64")
platform = optional(string, "nocloud")
proxmox_datastore = optional(string, "local")
variable "cluster" {
description = "Cluster configuration"
type = object({
name = string
endpoint = string
gateway = string
talos_version = string
proxmox_cluster = string
variable "nodes" {
description = "Configuration for cluster nodes"
type = map(object({
host_node = string
machine_type = string
datastore_id = optional(string, "local-zfs")
ip = string
mac_address = string
vm_id = number
cpu = number
ram_dedicated = number
update = optional(bool, false)
igpu = optional(bool, false)
variable "cilium" {
description = "Cilium configuration"
type = object({
values = string
install = string
# tofu/talos/image.tf
locals {
version = var.image.version
schematic = var.image.schematic
schematic_id = jsondecode(data.http.schematic_id.response_body)["id"]
image_id = "${local.schematic_id}_${local.version}"
update_version = coalesce(var.image.update_version, var.image.version)
update_schematic = coalesce(var.image.update_schematic, var.image.schematic)
update_schematic_id = jsondecode(data.http.updated_schematic_id.response_body)["id"]
update_image_id = "${local.update_schematic_id}_${local.update_version}"
data "http" "schematic_id" {
url = "${var.image.factory_url}/schematics"
method = "POST"
request_body = local.schematic
data "http" "updated_schematic_id" {
url = "${var.image.factory_url}/schematics"
method = "POST"
request_body = local.update_schematic
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_download_file" "this" {
for_each = toset(distinct([for k, v in var.nodes : "${v.host_node}_${v.update == true ? local.update_image_id : local.image_id}"]))
node_name = split("_", each.key)[0]
content_type = "iso"
datastore_id = var.image.proxmox_datastore
file_name = "talos-${split("_",each.key)[1]}-${split("_", each.key)[2]}-${var.image.platform}-${var.image.arch}.img"
url = "${var.image.factory_url}/image/${split("_", each.key)[1]}/${split("_", each.key)[2]}/${var.image.platform}-${var.image.arch}.raw.gz"
decompression_algorithm = "gz"
overwrite = false
# tofu/talos/talos-config.tf
resource "talos_machine_secrets" "this" {
talos_version = var.cluster.talos_version
data "talos_client_configuration" "this" {
cluster_name = var.cluster.name
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
nodes = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip]
endpoints = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"]
data "talos_machine_configuration" "this" {
for_each = var.nodes
cluster_name = var.cluster.name
cluster_endpoint = "https://${var.cluster.endpoint}:6443"
talos_version = var.cluster.talos_version
machine_type = each.value.machine_type
machine_secrets = talos_machine_secrets.this.machine_secrets
config_patches = each.value.machine_type == "controlplane" ? [
templatefile("${path.module}/machine-config/control-plane.yaml.tftpl", {
hostname = each.key
node_name = each.value.host_node
cluster_name = var.cluster.proxmox_cluster
cilium_values = var.cilium.values
cilium_install = var.cilium.install
] : [
templatefile("${path.module}/machine-config/worker.yaml.tftpl", {
hostname = each.key
node_name = each.value.host_node
cluster_name = var.cluster.proxmox_cluster
resource "talos_machine_configuration_apply" "this" {
depends_on = [proxmox_virtual_environment_vm.this]
for_each = var.nodes
node = each.value.ip
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
machine_configuration_input = data.talos_machine_configuration.this[each.key].machine_configuration
lifecycle {
# re-run config apply if vm changes
replace_triggered_by = [proxmox_virtual_environment_vm.this[each.key]]
resource "talos_machine_bootstrap" "this" {
node = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"][0]
endpoint = var.cluster.endpoint
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
data "talos_cluster_health" "this" {
depends_on = [
client_configuration = data.talos_client_configuration.this.client_configuration
control_plane_nodes = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"]
worker_nodes = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "worker"]
endpoints = data.talos_client_configuration.this.endpoints
timeouts = {
read = "10m"
data "talos_cluster_kubeconfig" "this" {
depends_on = [
node = [for k, v in var.nodes : v.ip if v.machine_type == "controlplane"][0]
endpoint = var.cluster.endpoint
client_configuration = talos_machine_secrets.this.client_configuration
timeouts = {
read = "1m"
# tofu/talos/virtual-machines.tf
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_vm" "this" {
for_each = var.nodes
node_name = each.value.host_node
name = each.key
description = each.value.machine_type == "controlplane" ? "Talos Control Plane" : "Talos Worker"
tags = each.value.machine_type == "controlplane" ? ["k8s", "control-plane"] : ["k8s", "worker"]
on_boot = true
vm_id = each.value.vm_id
machine = "q35"
scsi_hardware = "virtio-scsi-single"
bios = "seabios"
agent {
enabled = true
cpu {
cores = each.value.cpu
type = "host"
memory {
dedicated = each.value.ram_dedicated
network_device {
bridge = "vmbr0"
mac_address = each.value.mac_address
disk {
datastore_id = each.value.datastore_id
interface = "scsi0"
iothread = true
cache = "writethrough"
discard = "on"
ssd = true
file_format = "raw"
size = 20
file_id = proxmox_virtual_environment_download_file.this["${each.value.host_node}_${each.value.update == true ? local.update_image_id : local.image_id}"].id
boot_order = ["scsi0"]
operating_system {
type = "l26" # Linux Kernel 2.6 - 6.X.
initialization {
datastore_id = each.value.datastore_id
ip_config {
ipv4 {
address = "${each.value.ip}/24"
gateway = var.cluster.gateway
dynamic "hostpci" {
for_each = each.value.igpu ? [1] : []
content {
# Passthrough iGPU
device = "hostpci0"
mapping = "iGPU"
pcie = true
rombar = true
xvga = false
# tofu/talos/output.tf
output "client_configuration" {
value = data.talos_client_configuration.this
sensitive = true
output "kube_config" {
value = data.talos_cluster_kubeconfig.this
sensitive = true
output "machine_config" {
value = data.talos_machine_configuration.this
Image Schematic#
# tofu/talos/image/schematic.yaml
- siderolabs/i915-ucode
- siderolabs/intel-ucode
- siderolabs/qemu-guest-agent
Machine config#
# tofu/talos/machine-config/control-plane.yaml.tftpl
hostname: ${hostname}
topology.kubernetes.io/region: ${cluster_name}
topology.kubernetes.io/zone: ${node_name}
allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes: true
name: none
disabled: true
# Optional Gateway API CRDs
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_gatewayclasses.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/experimental/gateway.networking.k8s.io_gateways.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_httproutes.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_referencegrants.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/standard/gateway.networking.k8s.io_grpcroutes.yaml
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/v1.1.0/config/crd/experimental/gateway.networking.k8s.io_tlsroutes.yaml
- name: cilium-values
contents: |
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cilium-values
namespace: kube-system
values.yaml: |-
${indent(10, cilium_values)}
- name: cilium-bootstrap
contents: |
${indent(6, cilium_install)}
# tofu/talos/machine-config/worker.yaml.tftpl
hostname: ${hostname}
topology.kubernetes.io/region: ${cluster_name}
topology.kubernetes.io/zone: ${node_name}
Inline Manifests#
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: cilium-install
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: cilium-install
namespace: kube-system
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: cilium-install
namespace: kube-system
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: cilium-install
namespace: kube-system
backoffLimit: 10
app: cilium-install
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- operator: Exists
- effect: NoSchedule
operator: Exists
- effect: NoExecute
operator: Exists
- effect: PreferNoSchedule
operator: Exists
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
effect: NoExecute
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
effect: PreferNoSchedule
- matchExpressions:
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
serviceAccountName: cilium-install
hostNetwork: true
- name: cilium-install
image: quay.io/cilium/cilium-cli-ci:latest
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: status.podIP
value: "6443"
- name: values
mountPath: /root/app/values.yaml
subPath: values.yaml
- cilium
- install
- --version=v1.16.0
- --set
- kubeProxyReplacement=true
- --values
- /root/app/values.yaml
- name: values
name: cilium-values
Sealed Secrets Module#
# tofu/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/providers.tf
terraform {
required_providers {
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = ">=2.31.0"
# tofu/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/variables.tf
variable "cert" {
description = "Certificate for encryption/decryption"
type = object({
cert = string
key = string
# tofu/bootstrap/sealed-secrets/config.tf
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "sealed-secrets" {
metadata {
name = "sealed-secrets"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sealed-secrets-key" {
depends_on = [ kubernetes_namespace.sealed-secrets ]
type = "kubernetes.io/tls"
metadata {
name = "sealed-secrets-bootstrap-key"
namespace = "sealed-secrets"
labels = {
"sealedsecrets.bitnami.com/sealed-secrets-key" = "active"
data = {
"tls.crt" = var.cert.cert
"tls.key" = var.cert.key
Proxmox CSI Plugin Module#
# tofu/bootstrap/proxmox-csi-plugin/providers.tf
terraform {
required_providers {
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = ">=2.31.0"
proxmox = {
source = "bpg/proxmox"
version = ">=0.60.0"
# tofu/bootstrap/proxmox-csi-plugin/variables.tf
variable "proxmox" {
type = object({
cluster_name = string
endpoint = string
insecure = bool
# tofu/bootstrap/proxmox-csi-plugin/config.tf
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_role" "csi" {
role_id = "CSI"
privileges = [
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_user" "kubernetes-csi" {
user_id = "kubernetes-csi@pve"
comment = "User for Proxmox CSI Plugin"
acl {
path = "/"
propagate = true
role_id = proxmox_virtual_environment_role.csi.role_id
resource "proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token" "kubernetes-csi-token" {
comment = "Token for Proxmox CSI Plugin"
token_name = "csi"
user_id = proxmox_virtual_environment_user.kubernetes-csi.user_id
privileges_separation = false
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "csi-proxmox" {
metadata {
name = "csi-proxmox"
labels = {
"pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce" = "privileged"
"pod-security.kubernetes.io/audit" = "baseline"
"pod-security.kubernetes.io/warn" = "baseline"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "proxmox-csi-plugin" {
metadata {
name = "proxmox-csi-plugin"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.csi-proxmox.id
data = {
"config.yaml" = <<EOF
- url: "${var.proxmox.endpoint}/api2/json"
insecure: ${var.proxmox.insecure}
token_id: "${proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token.kubernetes-csi-token.id}"
token_secret: "${element(split("=", proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token.kubernetes-csi-token.value), length(split("=", proxmox_virtual_environment_user_token.kubernetes-csi-token.value)) - 1)}"
region: ${var.proxmox.cluster_name}
Volumes Module#
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/providers.tf
terraform {
required_providers {
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = ">= 2.31.0"
restapi = {
source = "Mastercard/restapi"
version = ">= 1.19.1"
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/variables.tf
variable "proxmox_api" {
type = object({
endpoint = string
insecure = bool
api_token = string
cluster_name = string
sensitive = true
variable "volumes" {
type = map(
node = string
size = string
storage = optional(string, "local-zfs")
vmid = optional(number, 9999)
format = optional(string, "raw")
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/main.tf
module "proxmox-volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
source = "./proxmox-volume"
providers = {
restapi = restapi
proxmox_api = var.proxmox_api
volume = {
name = each.key
node = each.value.node
size = each.value.size
storage = each.value.storage
vmid = each.value.vmid
format = each.value.format
module "persistent-volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
source = "./persistent-volume"
providers = {
kubernetes = kubernetes
volume = {
name = each.key
capacity = each.value.size
volume_handle = "${var.proxmox_api.cluster_name}/${module.proxmox-volume[each.key].node}/${module.proxmox-volume[each.key].storage}/${module.proxmox-volume[each.key].filename}"
storage = each.value.storage
Proxmox Volume Module#
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/proxmox-volumes/providers.tf
terraform {
required_providers {
restapi = {
source = "Mastercard/restapi"
version = ">= 1.19.1"
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/proxmox-volumes/variables.tf
variable "proxmox_api" {
type = object({
endpoint = string
insecure = bool
api_token = string
sensitive = true
variable "volume" {
type = object({
name = string
node = string
size = string
storage = optional(string, "local-zfs")
vmid = optional(number, 9999)
format = optional(string, "raw")
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/proxmox-volumes/proxmox-volume.tf
locals {
filename = "vm-${var.volume.vmid}-${var.volume.name}"
resource "restapi_object" "proxmox-volume" {
path = "/api2/json/nodes/${var.volume.node}/storage/${var.volume.storage}/content/"
id_attribute = "data"
force_new = [var.volume.size]
data = jsonencode({
vmid = var.volume.vmid
filename = local.filename
size = var.volume.size
format = var.volume.format
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
output "node" {
value = var.volume.node
output "storage" {
value = var.volume.storage
output "filename" {
value = local.filename
Persistent Volume Module#
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/persistent-volume/providers.tf
terraform {
required_providers {
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = ">= 2.31.0"
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/persistent-volume/variables.tf
variable "volume" {
description = "Volume configuration"
type = object({
name = string
capacity = string
volume_handle = string
access_modes = optional(list(string), ["ReadWriteOnce"])
storage_class_name = optional(string, "proxmox-csi")
fs_type = optional(string, "ext4")
driver = optional(string, "csi.proxmox.sinextra.dev")
volume_mode = optional(string, "Filesystem")
mount_options = optional(list(string), ["noatime"])
cache = optional(string, "writethrough")
ssd = optional(bool, true)
storage = optional(string, "local-zfs")
# tofu/bootstrap/volumes/persistent-volume/config.tf
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "pv" {
metadata {
name = var.volume.name
spec {
capacity = {
storage = var.volume.capacity
access_modes = var.volume.access_modes
storage_class_name = var.volume.storage_class_name
mount_options = var.volume.mount_options
volume_mode = var.volume.volume_mode
persistent_volume_source {
csi {
driver = var.volume.driver
fs_type = var.volume.fs_type
volume_handle = var.volume.volume_handle
volume_attributes = {
cache = var.volume.cache
ssd = var.volume.ssd == true ? "true" : "false"
storage = var.volume.storage