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Wildcard Certificates with Traefik
·1246 words·6 mins
In this article we’ll explore how to use Traefik in Kubernetes combined with Cert-manager as an ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment) client to issue certificates through Let’s Encrypt.
Migrating from MetaLB to Cilium
··997 words·5 mins
For my homelab I’m running an over-engineered one-node Kubernetes “cluster” using Cilium as the Container Network Interface (CNI). Up until recently I used MetalLB for LoadBalancer IP Address Management (LB-IPAM) and L2 announcements for Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests over the local network, but Cilium has now replaced this functionality.
Argo CD Kustomize with Helm
··2155 words·11 mins
I use Argo CD to maintain my Homelab as I find it intuitive. The nice GUI also helps me to quickly inspect problems which might occur when I try something fancy. Another widely used alternative is Flux CD which solves the same problem of GitOps-ing your cluster, but I have little experience with it yet.