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Gateway API with Cilium and Cert-manager
··2726 words·13 mins
In the Gateway API SIG’s own words, If you’re familiar with the older Ingress API, you can think of the Gateway API as analogous to a more-expressive next-generation version of that API. In this article we’ll quickly review the role-oriented architecture of the Gateway API before we implement it using Cilium and Cert-manager.
Wildcard Certificates with Traefik
·1246 words·6 mins
In this article we’ll explore how to use Traefik in Kubernetes combined with Cert-manager as an ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment) client to issue certificates through Let’s Encrypt. If instead of Kubernetes you’re running docker-compose, Major Hayden has an excellent tutorial on how to configure Wildcard LetsEncrypt certificates with Traefik and Cloudflare.