External services with Gateway API
··2056 words·10 mins
In this article we’ll take a look at how to proxy external services through the Kubernetes Gateway API. There are of course more lightweight methods to proxy services, but once you already have the proverbial hammer, why not treat everything like a nail?
Gateway API with Cilium and Cert-manager
··2726 words·13 mins
In the Gateway API SIG’s own words,
If you’re familiar with the older Ingress API, you can think of the Gateway API as analogous to a more-expressive next-generation version of that API.
In this article we’ll quickly review the role-oriented architecture of the Gateway API before we implement it using Cilium and Cert-manager.
Wildcard Certificates with Traefik
·1246 words·6 mins
In this article we’ll explore how to use Traefik in Kubernetes combined with Cert-manager as an ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment) client to issue certificates through Let’s Encrypt.
If instead of Kubernetes you’re running docker-compose, Major Hayden has an excellent tutorial on how to configure Wildcard LetsEncrypt certificates with Traefik and Cloudflare.